2. The Geometries 1-5

2. The Geometries 1-5

This can get a little heady at times (maybe all the time...) so bare with me as we start at ground Zero and work our way up.

Zero-Point: Absolute void. The shut-off of attention. Ground zero, where the light of attention is neither internal or externally focused. It is off and we are sitting in the dark. No noise, no chatter, no lights. 

The Geometry of One: The lens of attention. It is whatever we focus our attention on. At the highest level of organization, this is the singularity of focus, whatever that may be pointed at.

The Geometry of Two: The focusing of this attention on one or the other, with a recognition of the existence of both. The duality. Yin & Yang make for good buckets to categorize these patterns in. These are the simple patterns of black or white, in or out, inhale or exhale, day or night, stop or go, give or take. This is the level we are all most comfortable on, and where most of our current reality sits. 

The Geometry of Three: The recognition that there is an both/and quality between the dualities. We start to see that the Everything and Nothing BOTH exist, and we come into acknowledgement of paradox. Shifting perspectives out of the binary stuckness of either/or.
And if both exist, there is a point in existence where there is a transition between the two. A gray area. A zone of overlap, where Black and White come together to create something new.

These are patterns of Three: Mind, Body, Spirit. Mother, Father, Child. Pathos, Logos, Ethos. Black, White, Gray. Maiden, Mother, Crone. 

There are many combinations of three. We can easily conceptualize these pattern levels, but often forget that there is more than just the Duality, as Level Two is easiest to default to in times of uncertainty, or when the number of variables is too high to compute effectively. 

The Geometry of Four: From our level three, we start to see the potentiality for color emerge. Elements arise out of the primordial soup of light and dark alone. Earth, Air, Fire and Water give us the base elements from which we can create a multitude of variables, combinations, and geometries. 

Two geometries of two compared with each other gives us a geometry of four. More depth of data and understanding. 

From the elements, we start to see patterns of emotion. And with each of these, we see also that there can be dimensionality to these patterns. A negative and positive to the Earth, Air, Fire and Water. We shift from 2D consciousness/awareness to 3D. Shapes that were only able to exist on a plane can now hold structure. We've moved from a triangle or a square to a pyramid or a cube.

We can see a Cube of data compiling itself in a base shape that holds structure. 

With this realization, we start to see that dimensionality can also be applied to a geometry of three. Pathos, Logos and Ethos can be positive or negative.

The Geometry of Five: With the creation of form, we now have the ability to stack patterns with greater dimensionality to see more complex systems. A G4 focusing on just a positive or negative gives us an inherently G5 structure (a pyramid with 4 base points and 1 top point). A G4 pattern with both a negative and positive gives us a G6 pattern (a diamond with 4 points in the center, 1 on top and 1 on bottom). That is a lot of data. And that might be about the max number of variables we can compute as humans at this time without short-circuiting the system. At least when we're talking about emotions, patterns of behavior, and pattern-recognition.


Okay, let's stop there because that was a lot of data. We're going to go back to the basics and start with G1, G2, and G3 again to see how these levels can help us navigate our day-to-day interactions and relationships. Remember, this is people-centric, with juxtapositions with Nature's inherent patterns.