5. Pathos, Logos & Ethos (G3)
So, if we are all walking ecosystems of living variables, how do we help stabilize ourselves to equilibrium? How do we find the balance point?
Well, first we need to recognize the variables. Then, we need to be able to orient ourselves in spacetime to be able to see what is Rightside Up and Upside Down. Fear vs Love, Inverted vs Vertical, Integrity vs Disintegrity, Incoherence vs Coherence, Harmony vs Discord, Chaos vs Order....you get the point (we have a lot of G2s here).
We have to create our own moral code for what we want the Rightside Up to be. What our North Star is so we have a way to guide us home, no matter how lost we get. The Road is always available to us, and the aim of the game is to stay in the middle. Walk the tightrope between order and chaos.
So, “who are you?” the Caterpillar asks, and we always take a moment to ponder this question as the hookah smoke hoops lazily around us. Who are we? How does one go about answering such a question?
To do so, we have to start at ZERO. How does one climb a mountain? Start at the base. And work our way up. Then what, once we get to the top? We come back down and explore the bottom as we prepare to climb the next mountain. We can’t very well live at the top now can we?
It’s all rather circular, when we get down to it. The Upside Down is always also the Downside Up. It’s all in how we get from one to the other.
So, who are you? How can you tell who you are if you don't even know where you are?
If we simplify our moral code down to a G3 of Kind, Fair and Honest (Pathos, Ethos, and Logos) it makes every day decisions a whole lot easier. Whenever you are presented with a moral dilemma, you just have to run the algorithm to see if it executes the command, or if it fails and you have to go back and debug.
We keep running the algorithm until we crack the code to the best of our ability. It's not always going to be a 10/10, but more often than not, we can find solutions that do result in a 10/10 when we methodically analyze it through a lens as simple as Pathos, Logos, and Ethos.