7. Shine Bright Like a Diamond

7. Shine Bright Like a Diamond
Evie S

Telescope, microscope, kaleidoscope, horoscope…all things through which we see things. Far away, up close, through distortion, and in ourselves. What would this -scope be called?

Imagine if we used this kind of patterning to look at ourselves? Identify ourselves, instead of our current binary system of this or that. Black or white, gay or straight, Left or Right. We open up a whole spectrum of possibilities with which to express our deeply complex inner ecosystems with light and clarity for the world to see and admire. For it is the unknown that creates the othering. The lack of clarity that creates distrust, for how can we trust what we cannot see? Is that not the deepest truth of our insatiable quest for knowledge through rigorous scientific proof? If we cannot see it, it does not exist. No wonder we are so disconnected, as we don’t trust our own existence for the lack of being able to see ourselves. 

But the key word that is missing is clearly. It is not that we cannot see ourselves. It is only that we have not yet created a -scope that allows us to see ourselves clearly

The beauty that would arise if we were all able to put on lenses that allowed us to see all the colors, shapes, the prismatic patterns when the gems that we are are held up to the light. 

The Geometries are our lenses through which we shine the light of our Attention to see each other’s true form. Not just what we look like externally, but internally

An Example:

G1: Me
G2: Female (vs male), passive (vs active), internal (vs external), giver (vs taker)
G3: Core Values of Pathos (kind), Logos (honest), Ethos (fair)
G3 (with dimension): Pathos 9/10, Logos 8/10, Ethos 10/10
G4 (on a plane): Personality in order of magnitude is Fire, Air, Water, Earth
G4 (with dimension): Fire 9/10, Air 8/10, Water 4/10, Earth 3/10

It would look something like this, but most certainly a lot more dynamic if floating in 3D space with ALL your geometry.

As we increase in geometry, we move from being solely on a single plane (i.e only stating the existence of each variable) to being able to see the depth of each variable, giving it more shape and form and color. 

Imagine a world where this was how we saw each other. With ALL our variability, and all our patterns, clear as day. The above example is wildly simple in nature, but it has the capability to be a lens where we can start to see that we are a whole lot more than just a face. That we are real, complex, living ecosystems and that our internal Nature is just as real as the external Nature.